All the following stairs I designed, made the parts for, and either helped install or directed how to assemble these works of art.
This was before we used computers and CNC routers. Everything was drawn, laid-out, turned and carved by hand.
This was a remodel. We changed it to a beam carriage, added four bow-faced treads and risers at the base and altered the opening angle. We also added a little personality.
The Challenge
This staircase contains many of the most challenging aspects of stair building. It has winders, a face that flows radius into straight into radius and straight again, angled treads dadoed in a straight wall on one end and radius tread returns at the other end, curved top stringers, bending rail, a hand carved wreathed starting cap and an overeasing.
Fun, fun.
The challenge here was to build the staircase without newels. Certain vertical elements had an all steel core clad with wood. The rest were solid wood with steel standoffs.
Sculptural Newel
This was an original inspired contemporary sculpture. I wanted to do something a little different with how the handrail hit the wall as well as layering multiple curved face stringers. I also added a little carving at the end of the level rail.
I was going for kind of a contemporary craftsman/ nouveau style here. Quartersawn white oak, open riser with stainless steel horizontal balustrade and two piece rail.
Skewing the body of the balustrade to match the rake of the stairs made this install especially challenging. If only we had a CNC at this time.